In English, there is a saying as beautiful as it is sad: All good things must come to an end. And this now also applies to Rialto's festival World Cinema Amsterdam (WCA). From 2010, this summer festival took place (almost) annually in August. This added up to thirteen beautiful and inspiring editions, with over 500 short and feature-length films from all parts of the world. We also had numerous directors come over to the festival to present their work to the public, and put many young, undiscovered film talents in the spotlight.

Organising a major festival like WCA is a labour-intensive undertaking. In recent years, costs have risen to such an extent that we have gone back to the drawing board. After all, we want to continue sharing our passion for cinema from around the world with our audiences.
Rialto has therefore decided to deploy films from around the world differently and perhaps more effectively by 2024. We will do this by presenting compact programmes spread throughout the year, allowing us to respond better and faster to current events.
The last WCA edition in 2023 featured three special programmes that inspired three new programme lines:
1. See This
Last summer, WCA presented a selection of artist and filmmaker Felix de Rooy's favourite films: The choice of Felix de Rooy. He had chosen four classics, four cinematically interesting and socially relevant films. And we want to do that more often: screening inspiring, edgy and innovative films in a programme put together by a (guest) curator with the right expertise. In short: films you must have seen.
2. Come Closer
One of WCA's main objectives was to seek connection with the other, wherever they come from. Film is pre-eminently a medium that can give you insight into other cultures, that shows which political and social problems are at play somewhere. In the last edition of WCA, we focused on the (dire) position of women in present-day Iran: Strong & Unwavering: Women of Iran - a wonderful programme that attracted a lot of attention. In the future, we will bring similar programmes, always put together in cooperation with those who are directly involved at home and abroad.
3. We Are Here
We already mentioned it, but presenting young and new Dutch talent, with or without roots elsewhere, was also one of the spearheads of WCA's programme. Take Iranian-Dutch filmmaker Sam Yazdanpanna, whose work was highlighted last summer. And we will continue to do so as well. Who those makers will be is not yet known, but what is certain is that they will be makers with vision, guts and creativity, makers who will offer us new and enriching vistas.
To sum up: alas, the festival has ended, but fortunately the more than worthy successors are ready in the starting blocks.
Stay tuned
Can't get enough of films from faraway lands? Or are you curious about the three new lines of programming coming to Rialto later? Then follow Rialto on Instagram, subscribe to the newsletter below or take a look at the website for the current programming.