Antes que llegue el Ferry
Een absurdistische en chaotische collage over het leven in Havana in 2015, net voordat de ferryverbinding tussen de Verenigde Staten en Cuba na meer dan 50 jaar weer hervat zou worden en daarmee de massale toestroom van Amerikaanse toeristen weer op gang zou komen. De verhalen, in een mengeling van fictie, documentaire en animatie, laten de absurditeiten van het dagelijkse leven zien, in een tijd vol verwachtingen en onzekerheden na de bekendmaking dat de relaties tussen de VS en Cuba hersteld zouden worden. Verhalen die nergens anders ter wereld kunnen gebeuren, behalve in 'Absurdistan' – De Surrealistische Republiek van Cuba.

JUAN CAUNEDO (1982, Cuba) is a Spanish filmmaker and editor. After obtaining a Bachelor’s Degree in Communication in Madrid, he graduated from the Cuban International Film School and took experimental workshops in Paris. He has directed 3 shorts, 7 documentaries, 6 video clips and one feature, his work screening at over 80 film festivals, winning 15 awards.

RAÚL ESCOBAR (1966, Cuba) is a visual artist and experimental filmmaker. He has a Degree in Liberal Arts from Cristóbal Colón University, Mexico, and is an active member of the Union of Writers and Artists of Cuba. His acclaimed work has been included in exhibitions of Cuban Visual Arts both nationally and internationally.

VLADIMIR GARCIA (1972, Cuba) is a Cuban filmmaker, illustrator, animator and set designer. He has a Bachelor’s Degree in Audiovisual Communication from the Instituto Superior de Arte in Cuba and has directed shorts, documentaries, videos and animations for among others Cuban Television and the Cuban Film Institute’s Animation Studios. He currently works as an independent filmmaker in Cuba.